Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

SSI TNT LYTTON SrORTS 1 I 0 in luU to join may If i tl. ir nanu.s ilfi n.n, Gol.iMiiiil, of the anenuwr Optra House. The 11. C. Investment Cou.jiaiiv birhhl' next to TlIK i liice, will contain a splendid lodge hail.

New Stjle of Anchors. The anchors on the Bushmills are attracting atteution from I local mariners. They are in I shape something as shown, i I They have not, it will be seen, I any bar at the top, and will consequently go on the bottom with the hook bars both touching, the I very thini; that is aimed at beiui' It is prol'iKlt tiat :i.i! onu and tuo Seattle divisions will Wo take art. The council of the of Trade will meet in rt guhr a at o'cI. evening.

brick for sale in rjnatititiV to Miit purchasers. Apply at Wellington Coal Vard, 550 Carrall street. Telephone 4i. Winnipeg, Aug. 21 One of the bie shipments of goods ever consign to British Columbia passed through here yesterday en nmk to Uuseell, Million ild Van e.

On Tuesday next all but one oi the patientB at island will be ready to be discharged, and on Wednesday, if nothing transpires, the quarantine will be lifted from the Columbia hotel. PLAFiS AftD PRICE LISTS WOW READY. The Arrow Lake Terminus of ilie Projected Columbia Kootcnay Railway, and The Gateway to the Slocan Mining District. NOTICe! on the Market. to $300 per Lot, TERMS: ONE THIRD CASH, BALANCE 6 AND 12 MONTHS AT 8 PER CENT.

INTEREST. Iiirti from I'. I'M'l I.suid Conusii.ioiicr of A Iv. Haiiuay, U.C., AIHi: IIOI.n, Isil iU AroiiI, XAIvI SP. Il.C, hihI REAL ESTATE AGENTS, VANCOUVER, B.C.

TIN: VAXC'Ol I.1IPIlOVi:.VIi:Vr 0' will il nimilx llM ir (iii the .1 on I 111) IiiotiilitK'iil Plan. I'K'iils lo oxloiui over a period of five year. Interc! eight per ciiil. ISAM) ItHOS. Special Bargains in Houses.

CASH, balance J.r per month, tj )J will hitv a houne and lot In finest location ou Mount Pleasant: price JK'itHJ; a de ciik'd bargain, and worth investigation. i)oug Ibs A tftt Cordova EjTOt'f. "I FOU a good 7 roomed house HJx on uppenheimer street; easy payment, pnuclas Si Cordova street, CASH, balance month, JJ will secure one of the wit located residences on Barclay street; faces inlet; beautiful view. lionalas'A lW Cordova street. FOU a good brick house on Hevmour street; hot and cold watt bath, property cost KUU0: owner has to sai ntice it; small cash payment, balance monthly.

Douglas 13J Cordova street. Telephone 'XI. E6rCCASII and 2. per month good house and lot on Seymour street; a rare chance to secure a home without a great outlay of cash. Douglas A Cordova St.

ettitt CASH, balance Ter month thl fyf will liny a roomed house on Hornby street; price Douglas Co. lay Loniova street. rTi" CAII, l.alance J4 per month, ipOU" will liny a Rood 9 roomed house on Nelson street: price I' MUU: lint and cold water, bath, elcKantly iluislied. liouglas 139 Cordova street. (t Xiti YOU handsome residence on vDJAVy (ieorcla street, on flue corner overlooking Inlet: all modem conveniences; easy terms.

Iiouttlas Cordova street. rc'" (DtrlTl deuces in the West End, close tolulet; grouuds contaiu one fifth of an acre and are handsomely laid out: good garden, with app'e and pear trees and great itiantityof small fruit: house has all modern conveniences. Terms iflOOO cssh, in six months, and balance on as long time as desired, or payable monthly at rate of 141 per mouth, which sum Includes interest and principal. Douglas A Cordova street. rt I CASH, balance on long time, Dt' will buy a new substantial and well arrangeil 9 r.iome.! house on Richards street, neirst.

Andrew's church: bath, hot and cold water, pn. lon. Douglas IXV Cordova street. FOH a house on Cambie street; 1 tii tJf bath, sewer connection, etc. connection, Douglas liy Cordova street.

rT 1 WILL buy a two stnry house Jl)if))J and a lot aiid a half on Richards sireet; cood garden and several btaring fruit trees; ca terms; a great bargain. Douglas Co IW Cordova street. $28(K) FOU house and two lots on Opnenlieimer street; easy Douglas 1 Cordova street. Second Instalment Now Prices Range from $60 Pi) a handsome residence in pf Knd, standing on lot and a half; rooms, hath, hot ami cold water, pas, electric bells, etc; easy terms; this in a decided bargain; property ib worth $: WW. DoukIus fc Cordova street.

S1JHM) KOIl a handsome modern house on Princess street: hath, cewer connection terms, ftitu cash, balance I'ift per month. Douglas Si 139 Cordova street. flW'WV WILL buy a cood fiouse on prominent corner on Hastings street, a few blocks east of Westminster avenue; easy terms. Jiouulns Cordova street. CD fclliS I WILL lU'Y a good house on i A lexHiider street, near proposed N.I'.

UK. station faces Inlet: fine view; easy terms, l'ouglas Cordova street. D1 (Wtf 1, WILL Hl'Y a handsome resi CD A deuce in Fairview, one block oil city Electric Railway, facinir city mid commanding magnificent view of English Bay, the city. etc. 10 rooms; easy terms.

Douglas i VVj Cordova street. Special Buys in Lots. T4 WILT, buy good lot on Bar I i clav vrroi't li enufn i fV i tilth oT an acre; easy terms of payment. Douglas Si Co Cordova street. Hastings l'iy Cor Q1 rjK von a Tl I street.

good lot on Douglas Si Co FOKoneof the finest corners 1 ryyj on Mount Pleasant; easy terms. Douglas Si f.o., Cordova street. Qy WILL buy H3xW2 feet ou Haro vDOVV utreet. cloeto Burrard street, facing Iulet; graded and ready lor building; easy terms of payment. Douglas Si iny Cordova afreet.

$5(X) dova street. FOIt i street. good lot ou Douglas Si Richards VfiJ Cor fc i LOTS In the Et End forlWOC; terms cash, balance in 1,2,3, 4 and 5 years. Douglas Cordova street. lilt the finest lot on Davie sireet; terms cash, balance an.

I IJ months; kit Mxlft. Douulas Cor.lova street. OUUWI(l11' 600,1 lnr Harrlnv iJHAfn street; 'a i' lJ nioiitlis. Douglas Cordova street. (J AVI LI.

tiny two pooil lots In 'air iDOVW view, close to South Granville s'teet. Douglas A Conlova street. FAIKIO" several lots for 'it) each. Doug las iv. Cordova street.

VW Vii'iK 0N Westminster Van rnt AUlL MAf ft.l couver Tramwsv for easily cleared; fine location. Douglas A Co Kit Cordova street. Electroliers, Combination Gas Fixtures RKAWOJSAIH.K I'll 'En. I'HOMI'T ATTENTION MTKHIOU WOII II NII1I' Plums. Plums.

Plums. Plums. Plums. Plums. 1 1 i I 1 i.

vi oi iiir he Tempt ranee Kx'tiilli Mine liiwr a MiiKiiHb rnt ucc nt. a Mnn tie ywuw t. Live riv on lliurs.tay was certanuy un serving more than ordinary mention, tor it woui.lsiar.vly bo to in.a iuc a plcasaiiUr and 'more enjoyable time than that which was spent. The party, to the 1 number of h. tween 250 and 3.10, started out in cars in front oi the 0 o'clock Whatcom i express and after a run of an hour and a half arrived at tho grounds which had been selected.

The p. chosen was certainly an admirable one, situate as it was at tne confluence of the Fraser and Stave rivers, and with plenty of foliage to shade the rays of the sun, which shone brightly for a large portion of the day. Arriving at the grounds the members of the party were not long in finding amusem*nt among themselves, games of all kinds peculiar to such gatherings predominating. At noon lunch was spread by the committee of management, and it is needless to say was done ample justice to. The strangers were all invited to partake at the first aud second spreads aud after them the members of the societies.

The committee in charge did their best to provide for everyone and succeeded excellently in doing so. Numbers of families and private parties of course carried their own baskets and these could be seen shaded under the boughs of trees enjoying the best of times. For those who had had the forethought to carry hooks and lines a good opportunity as atlorded to angle in the trout renowned Stave, and some splendid specimens of the speckled beauties, which abound in that vicinity, were carried hom*o as a result of the day's sport. The afternoon was spent as all afternoons are at such gatherings, social games of all kinds being the order of the hour. At about 7:30 the return trip was commenced, and from the large party who were present ouly words of approval and commendation of the day's pleasure could be heard.

The excursion was under the united aus pices of the Royal Templars; Vancouver lodge, I. U. G. harmony lodge, 1. u.

G. T.j Western Pioueer and Welcome Home lodges, Sons of Temperance. The committee of management, to whom great credit is due for their exertions to help everyone enjoy themselves and to make a pleasant time for all, were Messrs. R. W.

Allison, James Menzies, McCain, Thos. Brown, Irvine, F. Beggs, Fosley, Hagg, McMillan, J. McCormick; Mesdames Anthony and Smith, and the Misses Moscrop, Taylor, Chapman, Usher, Brown aud Dowuie. Financially as well as otherwise the event was a success, ami pleasant reminiscences of it are certain to linger in the minds of those who were present, for a long time to come.

From the picnic grounds a splendid view of Mount Baker could be had a greater part of the day, and as the sun was settiug in the evening, its snow capped peak loomed up to better advantage than ever. Ouly one incident occurred to mar the enjoyment of the day, Mrs. Harris having the misfortune to sprain lo ankle, just before the time for departure. For kind attention to the injured lady ou the return trip, tho thanks of the excursionists are due to con ductor Risteen. who, as usual, was most obliging.

In connection with the above it may be stated that each of the temperance lodges in the city is in a flourishing condition at present, new members being constantly added to the lists. Western Pioneer Lodge, Sons of Temperance, has many as members, while Welcome Home Lodge exceeds it by 35. The I. O. G.

T. Provincial convention will be held in Vancouver early next mouth, and in October this will also be the convention city of the Grand Lodge Sons of Temperance and the district meeting of the same order. Kmpress of Japan. As stated in yesterday's Would the Empress of Japan arrived about 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. She had on board 3,027 tons of freight, including 40 cases of opium and a couple of large consignments of silk.

She had 30 mail packages. The passenger list was large, and included Sir hdwin Arnold. P. J. Johnston, pantryman, formerly ot Vancouver, died during the voyage, and was liuried at sea Part of the cargo when leaving was sugar, an 1 a fire which started among this necessitated taking out all the cargo in number three hatch aft.

Sir Edwin Arnold in describing the scene says that when the lire as liiscoverei the captain, ollieers, engineers and crew, acted with bravery and coolness. Water was poured into the seat of lire through a bole cut in the bulk head as soon as it was discovered. The vessel was then headed for, otiO miles distant, and on arrival there the cargo was taken out and the burned or smouldering part left where it could do no harm. A testimonial expressive of their appreciation of Capt. Lee a good seamanship and coolness anl of the bravery and clear headed obedience of those under him was signed by all the European passengers and presented to the cuptaiu.

A collection taken up on board for the Sailor's Rest realized a very handsome sum. Gazette Announcements. The Bfiluh Columbia issued yesterday contains the following new announcements George (loldie to be mining recorder, to reside at Windermere, in the East Kootenay district. James F. Armstrong, of Golden, to be a Justice of the Peace for and within tho county of Kootenay.

Notice is given by Davis Sl Marshall, solicitors, that application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of British Colum bia for an act to incorporate a company for the purpose of constructing and operating a line of railway to run from a point at or near Penticton, at the foot of Okanagau lake, to some point at or near the narrows of Lake Osoyoos. The Daviea Sayward Mill and Land Company give notice for application for incorporation with capital stock of $300,000 in 100 shares. At the election held at Mission school house on August Oth the following gentlemen were elected to form the first council, viz: John McLean, reeve; John li. Wren, John B. Cade, Duncan McRae, J.

A. Skin ner, councillors. Worse Than Ever. When there were regulations to hold him there waa some chance of getting along with Dr. Praeger, but now that the regulations are suspended and he has nothing but his own sweet will to guide him there is no telling what he may require.

II is latest order is that all passengers and freight must be fumigated and he may next want the ships to lie up 14 iys between each trio. Please dear, good, Dr. Praeger, may the people of Vancouver be allowed to live this near to Xanaitno without putting a tarpaulin over the city every day and burning a pan of sulphur under it. Of course, if we have to, we suppose we can stand it, because according to your own telling, and you could not err, could you doctor dear, we are tough, devilish tough. The Conductor Had Spunk.

Carr.iU street was the scene of a very lively scrap last evening. A man was standing on the step of a street car and passengers were bothered in getting past lnm, The conductor asked him to get otf the step, but he paid no attention, and repeated the request a couple of times without any response. The conductor then laid bis hand on the man's shoulder and said, "You must get off the step, so as to allow passengers to get on and off. 'Go to you blankety blank," was the reply, and no sooner was it said than the conductor let out and sent the offender sprawling. He got up and ran after the car and pulled the conductor off, but in the scrap that followed the conductor got decidedly the best of it.

Secret Society Notes. The local division of the Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias are going in for one of prizes offered for the competition drill, connection with the Westminster fall fair. They will not get it, however, unless members turn ont to drill regularly. Another ellort is being made to establish lodge of Elks in this city. Any who wish 1 1: 1 in jier P.

SpeciaS Bargains in Acreage. TQ WILL buy a half block fu Sub OfJ" division 0 cash, balance in ii years. Douglas Si l.l'J Cordova street. ONE HALF acre and a nine roomed brick house on Westminster Vancouver train way, for easy tenis; house alone is worth the money. Donglas Si.

Cordova ptreet. 1 A KKS in Souamish Valley, I.t mile from the nop farm, for land will be worth fV) per acre when the Company develops its laud. DnueUn i 1H9 Cordova street. half this Hop Co A('HKs adjoining Cedar Cottacre Nursery, 9J for ah, balance in 1 and 2 vears: adjoining land sold for per aire, i Douglas A Cordova street. A It LOCK in the East End.

fronting on street opened up, for sale at there is jluw profit in this to subdivide; lies well and commands a magnificent view. Douglas Si 13; Cordova street. S8(K)' FOH a fi aere block on Wesrmiu ler Vancouver tramway: splen did location; tine site for fruit ranch; laud easily cleared. Doughs 1W Cordova St. 1 AC KKS on Sea Island, fronting on main .1" ma d.

near bridtres, for terms, cah, balance 7 aud 10 years. This is a rare chance for a man with small capital to secure first class land suitable for garden, fruit ranch or dairy; only a few miles from Vancouver aud gooo gravelled road nil lie way: can arrange for 20 acn on same terms. Douglas a I'M Cor dova street. iy ACKKs, 7 miles from Vancouver, gooii i mO gravelled road entire distance; nearly i ail the land under cultivation; good houe and 1 stable; 40 fruit trees and lot of small fruit; near church, school, and store; price i ouO; terms, JJ700 cash, balance in four years: this is a bargain; location good and soil" very rich ami well drained. Douglas A 131' Cordova street, i 4 AC KKS in Langlev Municipality; jr frame house; 2o0 fruit trees; "0 acres improved, balance lifhtly timbered; good creek running through land; school house on place; store and post otlice near by; price, $la per acre.

easy terms of payment; will sell any quantity of laud from acres up. Douglas A lay Cor dova street. ACKKS near (iovernment Experi mental Farm at Atraiz Station, at 2.i per acre. Douglas A v.W Cordova street. ACKKS on Seymour Creek, close to Vancouver, at tpernre.

Douglas A Cordova street. 10 ACKKS frotingou North Arm of Eraser Kiver, miles from aneouver, at a bar iraiu, owner forced to sell; beautiful location: best of soil; on sjood mad: one fourth mile I'rom (school hiiue. Douglas A Cordova St. A LOCK in Fkirview at I or.luva street. DoukIk.

a Rare Chance FOR SALE One of the best business houses on the coast License, Fixtures, Goodwill, etc, with or without furniture. The owner leaving on account of bad health. Enquire W. J. MEAKIN, tf Merehiuits' Kxriuinee.

s. yinmir st. J. I. Al II 11,1, D.

W. Ml ml IS, Suj.t, U. a. t'ASIIIJ, Semtnry mid Jtaiptr, TSXAS LAKG I i ffir 1 ini' (li'slrlnif TIIK WOIil.T) tirfl nl tlirlr Ilcimt Hcan secure It by lsti I reinie or ortlt Ihrniiirli Telephone Xo. 111.

Where delivery Is irreculnr, iilonse make Immediate complaint to tlio office FRIDAY. AUGUST 20. LOCAL H.tKVITlKS. Kri sli vaccine. Xclsou's drugstore, il Evans Hastings, The Printers.

See the merchants' lunch at the Pacific. Thompson, the tobacconist, Suunysi Je cor. Good cooking apples $1.00 per box at the market. Newly furnished rooms to rent in the new Holland block. Il Fly cemetery, champion fly killer.

Nelson's ill store. II First clans wood for sale cheap. The Michigan Lumber Company. II Spectacles aud eye glasses, a large assortment at Keid's pharmacy. II New lot of vaccination shields at Nelson's drun store, 1 00 Cordova street.

Knit hammocks oulv 1.23. Tents to rent Lipsett's, Water street. II II. C. Pi urns and Apples at Canning, Walker 4 Co cor.

Georgia and Howests ll Select your ball suit from the new tweeds just received at lJunlap, Cooke Coal and wood cook stoves in great variety nt Cunningham Hardware 169 Cordova Street. Gold, gold, gold at Fairview, saved by buying ood and coal from K. S. Forbes. Telephone 213, P.O.

box 403. II Visitors before registering elsewhere will do well by calling at the Waverly hotel, corner of Georgia Seymour streets. 'I M. Howell has been elected treasurer of (he Vancouver Boating Club in place of C. H.

lionnor, who has reimivedtoNanaimr, If" you want help of any kind write or call on Chas. Forsberg, Employment Agent, Graveley Block, Carrall Street. The courts have decided that russel, medicaid and co. have tho privilege of selling their goods as cheap as they like, il The Pioneer Steam Laundry is doing 'first class work at 912 Richards street, and employs only white help. Telephone 340.

Victoria still requires an examination and vaccination of all passengers, and the same rule, for a time at least, will be enforced here. The proposed excursion per City of Na naimo to Pender Harbor, will take place on Tuesday, 30th inst. Fare, ladies 1.00, gents SI. 50. One hundred cords best wood in tho city 12, 10, 22 and 24 inches long.

Come and ee. Wellington Coal Yard, 550 Carrall street. Telephone 4S. II A special circular has been issued calling a meeting of the Anglican Synod of British Columbia for Nov. 22nd to consider the appointment of a new bishop of the diocese.

We have placed a nice S50 parlor suite in our window. We will take off SI each day until this set is Bold. Watch it. It goes down every day. 47 to day (Friday) at Hart's.

At the county court on Thursday His Honor Judge Hole gave judgment in the case of Sanson! vs. Holland, awarding the plaintitf 370 and dismissing the counter claim. Ex President Dalby has been appointed superintendent of the forthcoming exhibit of the, so called, British Columbia Agricultural Association at Victoria, His pay ill be $125. By an advertisem*nt in another column it will le observed that the examination of candidates for license to practice medicine in the Province will take place in Vancouver, beginning on Sept. 6th.

T. Prest land brokers, 508 Pender street, will exchange 10, 20 or 30 aere lots, or a choice improved farm in the best locality of the Fraser valley, for rental bearing property in this city. il Foster home industry. Buy your office books and stationery and get your books bound by the Vancouver Bookbinding uambie atreet, G. A.

Roedde, Manager. It has been decided that under the alien labor law the British Columbia Indians are to bs prevented from going into the United States, as has been their custom, to work during the hop picking season. A story conies from Banff that a young Toronto lady who was stopping there discovered a sure cure for corns, a patent for which she has applied. A corn shelter that will shell corns will till a lougc want. The Montreal Star contains au account of the presentation of a medal to Louis Cyr, of Montreal, the champion strong man of the world, on hich occasion, it appears, W.

O. Bui lis, of this city, made a few felicitous remarks. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Fine business lot, Seymour street near our office, $1200, terms. Seven room house, Richard Sts, $1400; very easy term, Best bargains in the city.

W. C.Archer 548 Seymour corner Dunsmuir. In an item, headed A Big Cut, referring to the oik of a B. C. shingle luaehiue, manufactured at the B.

Iron Works, the dropping out of a line made it appear that the cut was 52,000 a week, whereas it should have road "52,000 shingles per day or a grand total of 312,000 a week." Inspector of Fisheries McNab has returned from Chemainus where he 'settled the oyster bed troubles between the whites and Indians. The Indians will not be allowed to fish outside the shore in front of their reserves. A man named Cant has leased 3S acres of shore and will farm oysters extensively. The city council yesterday paid a visit of inspection to the rock crusher at Granite Falls. They were well treated by Dr.

Kendall and express themselves as well pleased with the condition in which they found the work being earried on. The return trip, which was very enjoyable, was made late in the evening. Upon investigatien by Capt. Pitten'driah and Mr. Moresby at Luln Island on Wednesday, it was ascertained that the report about a corpse being found in a box there was untrue.

An old skull, which was picked up some days ago, had developed into a murdered body, evidently, by the time the story reached the city. A special Government constable has been detailed to visit the northern coast and investigate the loss of the schooner Kagle, which left Victoria last summer on a trading cruise and uever returned. Reliable evidence has been secured which accounts for the uou retum of the schooner. The crew were murdered, and their bodies burned, the vessel pillaged aud then broken up by the Indians. Tivo gentlemen of somewba: sportive i c.nilol.c nut.

to ttm Tltinvpr on those very hot days. They found a big piece of timber floating near the wreck and concluded that it was part of the ancient vessel. They thorefore hitched on to it and brought it along to the boathouse at which they arrived, pretty well played out, to be told that what had cost them so much effort wa a piece of British Columbia fir. The death is announced at St. Mary's hospital.

New Westminster, of the wife of V. McTicruan, Indian agent. Deceased had been an invalid for several years past, so that the tad event was not unlooked for, but in the end it came more suddenly than had been expected. was 02 years old, and has been a resident of British Columbia for 23 years. Much sympathy is expressed on all sides for Mr.

McTiernan. Tke divisions of the Uniform rank Knights of Pythias entered for the prize drill competition at New Westminster during the Fall Fair are division No. 1, Seattle, Greenommanding; division No. IS, Seattle, Capt. Jenson commanding; division No.

Vancouver. Eutries are also expected from Fairhaven, Whatcom, Port Towmend, Nauaiuio, Victoria and Taeoma. C. in (i. J.

He on for on her PAFCE PAINTY 1 1 or rs in iuu Ko turn nil Wednesday and TliiirsuEj, Septeiiilisr 7 and 3. 1892. I'VtliillL'S nf (xprt' siy built for at ove linn si in a I tlie ccciiiuii, lie EXCELLENT MUSIC il! he pro i iv'l. Tle Sports will consist of Horse Racing arjd thjetic Sports, to lie hel.l on the Mli. It i e.vj.tcte.l tlitit fi ei iiil nn fiiiefitieiit' with the C.

V. for liniHortHtiou rate. further ubus si jn.Mer.s or eoUl miiuieate with the iiii.l. ivia MAHTIX 11KATTIK, iit.l Him. M.

r. 'iiiy. l.yttoil, B.C. "JERSEY CFJAND" MM i It is Guaranteed Pure and Unskimmed. An Excellent Food for Infants.

We make only one quility The Best. Buyonly Jersey Brand for all purposes. soi.h in mi it is ni uniniv lit DlUiW (.. HIUMVM. MITCHELL Atfcnl tor lli iiih ('oltniihiii, 102 GOVERNMENT VICTORIA.

K. WIIITTIER, Vl: Heii Baiter OF lllilTlSH (l.nil!l.l. Hair Cutting a Artistic Hair Cuttinu' in al stj les known to tlie lvilize.1 oiM. HOT BATHS, 15c. The finest to be had on the Pacific Const.

1 Carroll St. VICTORIA. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR PRINCIPAL MRS. W. GREEN, AsNledr.y Ki MpiiI (iove netci intfi an IT.rit lit s'alf.

i'Mr I he Luni ir 1 Intiihiu. Term will Commence August 29. ThiTe will tp fried t'Tin enur' practical aulij. cts to wliii li fSM lin', helm gi: to the College will he Spfcial a'tentiou hi 1 1 1 'I lit l'rifieipul iiii.v hi liuiirs uf I'J (Oi A p.m. iitti Add re Hiil tf i tahle aiel tome Nt.

HOT AM) COLD SPEEDILY RELIEVES RHEUM 4T ISM AND OTHER PAIbS. BATHING PSE, Special Accoiiiiiioilntioii Tor l.mlii'S. Waterfront, (typo He OcfioYntal hotel rou SALK AM) lillli: T.ST TOR i RK'li aii'l I eekt TELEPHONE 394. YE WORKS, L'U IWmtt Mrcfl, lanriiiiKr. (ientlemt'ii's Cintlu'S Kijaiiel, AltPreil or Iiyeil.

Ladies Iiresscs, liainnsk, Keji Hud oilier Ciiilniiis iiiH il or Iiii'if. Country orders vroniitlv nlteii'leil lo. Wurkaollcited. Iratisfaclioii ijuareiitceil. F.n.

Boi w. n.i7 3m (iK(l. II H', rroprietitr. Lockhart Center r.i)i:iiTiiii;is. Graduates of U.S.

College of Embalming PARLORS nrilm a Vfliirniiver. i Broail Htreet, Irtona. TfieMratcdFrencHure, Is on POSITIVE GUARANTEE t'etiroftny form ftfiifrvoiiMiispiiNj fir any disordcrof VviA puns (i i from tho I'Xf'essive BEFflBF ueof in hint; T' haoo or Op urimi im.ori nrculi outi.t iii inouicciice, in of Hruia lii ormir.ioivn ains In II. a wninal oiikii. Hysteria, Npn ojs i'r (ration, Emlyions, Le orrlio Iiiz Memory, Umot l'ou rrnn.l Imtio winch It ncirlcr KM often 1.

ml to i.rt iimtn rs nTCsn. mvimiiy ITico Cboim rnn I lllllll rff'i of 1. A VVfilTIKN l.l i Ti rj i.uoonifrrf' c.v i rriimiicnt "i'B li of both who l.av,.:,.,, I') tncUBo of in ulnrfr Adilr. THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. CANADIAN i illlA NCII, llox torhi, II.

Sold hy II. Si prneelsts Cordova Ktrcet, Vaniouver. Kole ABMit MACHINERY FOR SALE. L'MiiKAM) llOIIHt fur Salf All iiji JJ nglit h.ji. hullcr ami li p.

li tn splratnr all complete; jn perfect onler mel a1 as new. he repluced and engine di.nt.le capai ity of present iun tie seen In operati.m daily In Thk "llife the forenoon or Monday and 'I'hursilar. ai nu ri lawful afternoon between 2:: ami o'clock. Particulars nd terms can lie ascertain per sonal application al Thk Woiu fflc, Homer ireit.

4 luj 3 ipT" jr co UJ 9 r' fllElOOfclll MISS PETERS, 634 HOMER STREET, sole or lnnne avoided in the old style. But the Bushmills' anchors hive ae like edges on the sides of the hook bars which catch at once on the button. Then the bars are made to work on a swivel which allows them to cant until they form an a. ute angle with tho stock so that the tighter the vessel tugs on them the more tenacious will be their grip. 1'ark Coiiimlsglouers.

There was a meeting this morning of that august trio, the park commissioners. After a short, but solemn conclave, they decided to recommend the payment of the usual laborers' pay sheet and to urge upon the board of work3 the necessity of doing something with the road from Coal Harbor to English Bay, which at present is in a very dangerous condition and has been tbe scene of several narrow escipes of equestrians, whose horses have stepped on some of the numberless loose round stones, which, rolling under the hoof, cause the horse to stumble. Junior LarroKsIfttg. On Saturday the junior lacrosse team ill play the Victoria juniors. The Vancouver tram ill be made up as follows: Goal, S.

Myers; point, A. MeGillivray; cover point, F. Miller; defence field, E. Moreney, R. Ralph, P.

Chase; centre, T. Dinsmore; home field, W. Boultbee, J. Quann. J.

llawiiian; outside home, K. Campbell; inside home, A. Webster. Field captain, H. McGregor; patriarch in charge, Al.

Larwell. Imperial i'ederiillon. Castell Hopkins, of the Toronto Empire staff, arrived from Seattle by way of Victoria to day and will lecture to night at o'clock i'l the Board of Trade rooms on Imperial Federation, a question to which he has given a great deal of thought. Mr. Hopkins is said to be au eloquent and convincing speaker aud the public are invited to hear him talk on his favorite theme.

TVMAltF AM) WAVE. The steamer Bushmills sailed for Victoria this morning to discharge her cargo for that port. The titles to morrow will run: Low 3:12 a.m. and p.m. high a.m.

and p.m. The Comox is having some minor repairs made so as to be in A 1 shape for Sunday's excursion. The 14 ton sloop, built at Watson's ways, Victoria, for missionary work, is expected to be launched to morrow. The steamer North Star was sold by the sheriff at Victoria on Thursday morning to Mr. Bullen, of the Albion Iron Works, for The Comox returned from the north at 3 p.

m. yesterday. She went up as far as Port Neville, and brought down a large quantity of farm produce. The missionary steamer Glad Tidings arrived in port last night. She will remain here a few days, and then go around Vancouver Island in the interests of the missionary stations.

The Barbara Boscowitz sailed for the North last evening with a full general cargo and a number of general passengers, among whom were Rev. J. McCulloch and Provincial officer Nicolson. There is a possibility that the Lake Le man which had been hauled ou the bertli at Moodyville will not load there after all. She carries sand ballast aud since tho accident to the Dominion it has been the rule to pass no ships so ballasted.

The Lake Lcman is in every other way satisfactory and Capt. Colliater is quite willing to pass her if the captain will take out the sand ballast aud put in rock. At present the captain is unwilling to do this and says he will take the vessel to the Sound to load before he will submit to the change. STICK TO THE lilGIIT. Kighf ar tious sprint from right principles.

In easesot diarrh.ea. ilysenr. ry. cramps, colic, summer com plaint, cholera morbus, thericht remedy is Fowler's Extract, of Wild strawberry, flu unfailing cu remade on the principle ttiat nature's remedies tire best. Never travel without It.

REISA VICTORIA. Strictly Non Sectarian. Tlio Autumn Terra Begins Thursday. September 20 Full stalTof four well known specialists devote their eutire time to the work of the College. Thorough course InalldepartiuentsotColleglate Work.

Pupils prepared for Matriculation into auy University or Technical School. Special Class in first year University Work. Provision has been made whereby students may write on examination papers for Eastern 1'uiversitles without leaving the College. Tuition Ffs, per Term of 13 Weils, (Three Terms in One i ear) Board and Residence Privileges per Week, $5.00 Address the Piineipal for Calendar for 'M '93, and any other information desired. tf PROGRAMME OF FALL MEETING HASTINGS PARK VANCOUVER, B.

G. On SEPTEMBER Willi, 1M3 Trotting and Pacing For Htulllons owned in the Province llircH iiiotittis previous to ilur uf race. Mile heats; 3 In 5. Tnittiiie and Pacln, Class Mile heats: 3 In 5. Purse.

Sam. Running Half mile and repeat. Open. Purse tarn. Kunning One m'le singe dash, Open.

Purse fllne. Running Half mile single dash. No horse allowed to compete tliat has already won pulillc money, Piirne. 10o. SEl'TEMBEK lTlli, ls2.

TrnttlnR and F'acliiK minntPclHss Purse, Trotting mm I'ucIhk (Jppn to all, JS! lie heats; 't Purne, fl(X). lJurae dlv'ded iW per 25 16 per cent. ItuiiniiiK Mil and repeat. Oj en. Purse, HminhiK One mile aud a quarter dash.

npeu. Purw, fjnfi. Trotting rare for gentlemen's drivirg horses. Must he driven by owner. No horse allowed to compete that has already won public money.

Mile heats; 3 in Prize, cup, value flirt. Entrance fee, Eutries tlosr SutnHav. Sept 10th. Mi. with Ui Srvr.Ur.

EutruH Fm Id Vtr fnt of Tone. For further pa't'culars and entry forms address W. ('A LL, Box 217. Secret ary, Vancouver. ryReturn fare from Victoria and Nanaimoat single fure available till lath.

I2i0 td wppi College A gentleman reioicmg in the patrician title Gerald de Wolfe appeared before the magistrate this morning charged with being druuk and incapable aud was remanded until to morrow to allow his blue blood to become de alcoholized. Around tbe World The Maltese Cross hose of the Gutta Percha RublierMf'g. Company of Toronto seems to stretch around the world and its usefulness has been so apparent that W. L. Ogle, the genial representative of the linn, may well consider that bis efforts in introducing it are purely philanthropic.

It will be news perhaps to many to learn that but for the Maltese Cross hose sold by him to the management of the C. P. R. steamship) the story of the lire on the Empress of Japan would be a vastly different one, and that magnificent million dollar steamship might now be nose on and abandoned on some lonely Japanese coast. We put our trust in the hose," said one who was through the exciting incident, an 1 it did not fail us.

All the wa' that the engines could send was carried without cessation and a strain much greater than any gravity system or land lire engine would demand produced no sign of weakness. This should add to the sense of security against lire that exists in this city, because it is known that tho Vancouver "tire department is equipped with the Maltese Cross brand of carbolized hose. When Mr. Ogle makis another visit to the Terminal City he wild no doubt be congratulated on this lie laurel for this modem improvement with the historic name. Love's Caiiers.

A pretty little love story conies from Taeoma that terminated in just the nicest kind of way. The couple were old enough to know what was right, and they loved each other, so that it would seem a shame to have the plans of Cupid thwarted by hard hearted parents. Miss Julia Smith, of Taeoma, accompanied her sister Emma as far as Hot Springs ou the latter 's way cast to attend school. It happened that Frederick C. Thompson, also of Taeoma, was on the same train, and when they parted ith Miss Emma at the Springs they returned home together, and were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony.

Mrs. Thompson, who is aged IS, is a neice of Gen. John W. Sprague, and Thompson had been attentive to her for some time. They could not bear being separated.

Au attempt was made to dampen Miss Smith's love for Thompson by locking her in a room on the third lloor of her aunt's, Mrs. Baker's, home ou street. Those near to the young lady say she was thus kept a sort of prisoner for three weeks, not being allowed to see Thompson, and not even to mingle freely with frieuds when company was entertained at the house. The sun shines brightly tor them now. Love, since the world began, will find out its way.

Tho Match To morrow. In the lacrosse match at Brockton Point to morrow afternoon between the printers vs. real estate and underwriters the teams will line up as follows: Printers Goal, Campbell; point, Cowan; cover point, J. H. Browne; defence field, Burton, Scott, Greer; centre, Prescott; home field, J.

C. McLagan, Ramsay, Armstrong; outside home, Jones: inside, Finbow; spare man, Pound; umpire, R. E. Gosnell. Real estate agents and underwriters Goal, M.

Stanlield; point, Alexander; cover point, Smith; first defence, J. Ferris; second, E. B. Deanc; third, W. 11.

Goodwin; centre, W. Climie; third home, H. McKenzie; second, J. D. Hall; first, A.

A. Boak; inside, S. Henderson; outside, J. Banlield; field captain. Godfrey, referee, .1.

Leauiy. The funds will go towards aiding a compositor who has been ill for a long time. The Aftermath of the Fire. The directors of the Victoria Electric Tramway and L'ghticg Company have let the contract for the erection of a new power house and buildings to J. W.

Carter, whose tender was SI 0,300, work to bo commenced at once. Much of the machinery is expected to arrive within 10 days, and inside of a month President Iliggins predicts the cars will be running aud the lights burning. The arbitrators and adjusters concluded their labors on Wednesday. The face values of ail the policies is 854,000, and the company receives J3S.000 in cash and all the machinery as salvage. The machinery which suffered by the fire is being overhauled and will soon be ready for use.

'TIS Neck and Neck. In Snow shoe creek Watt had three majority, giving him, so far, seven majority. The only polling places now to hear from are Keithley and two in Chilcotin. It is thought that i'r. Watt will be the lucky man, A CLOSE After miffi inn for three Wfeks ith rln in 'until in so Hint I wits in.texeeiueil to live Hint til the time would hnve been Kluri lutii CHlle.l iio, so Kn ttt us my stinVrinii.

a frien.l reeommeiiiied Dr. Kfjwier's Kx'tra. of Willi St raw lie rry. hieh uete.l like ir.HKle on my system. Hut for tills inedleine I milil not be alive now.

John Bhausiiaw, Hff.l Mt. 1'aul Montreal, I'. Earthquake at Bermuda. Halifax, N. Aug.

2G. A despatch from Bermuda says that a sharp shock of earthquake was experienced there yesterday morning. Houses were terrihly shaken and a heavy swell was caused in the harbor. No danger has been reported. "Clear Havana Cigars." "La Ca.lena" anil "La Flora." Insist upon having these brands.

Opposing the Combine. Quebec, Aug. 20. It is rumored that the wholesale dry goods merchants of this city are forming a great cotton manufacturing company in opposition to the combine. PEKSOXAL.

Ex Mayor Ot.pcnhetmpr and W. I). Burills, his Beeretary, went over to Victoria this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Geo. Cntbiok, of Moodyville, wil leave on Sunday or a trip among the iouu cities. Mr. Justice Crease and wife, Mrs. Itowknd Misses HipKius, Hall, Morris and Miller arrivtd over this morning from Victoria.

lir. Wilson and family and Rev. Robert R. Maitisnd and family have returned from a week's campin? out on Howen island. Hon.

C. K. aud Mrs. pooley, with their sons, W. and eame over this morning from Victoria.

The boys are on their way to school Knginii l. A. J. Col'itihoun. representing the Gold and Silver Syti.lieate li, of Glasjotv, Seotlaud witli head oitit ill tills Province nr Golden.

tuniL east today from a bnsinos visit to the const. Among the passemrers by the Yosemito for Victoria today were F. S. Ilarnard, M.P.; J. Mc Call, Mr.

aud Mrs. J.W.MeFarlaud: ti. A. Keefer, woo returned last evening irom Kootenav; ami the Vancouver junior lacrosse team. Among the arrivals by the Gulf ferry this morning from Victoria were: J.

Crawford. VV. Farrell, J. Angus, Kobin lmnsmuir, F. Austin, Holding, N.

Hltiin.G. MeCaul, J. F. Roberts, Taylor, George de Wolfe, J. Kdwards, A.

D. Kiiiory and Capt. Colllster. Sir Edwin Arnold, who was reported In a local paper to have left yesterday for the Hast, is still enjoying the hospitality Vancouver. expects to leave, via the ('.

P. to morrow, his return to London to resume the editor ship of the JJaily Telegraph. S. Thompson, of the Sunnvside corner, Is today mourning the death of his only daughter. Kate, a girl of about IT years.

The death occurred at Jara, near Newcastle on Tyne, where with her mother she had been living. Mr. Thompson had not seen either wife or daughter several years, but. was looking forward to having them both with him again in about three weeks, as he had made arrangements for them to come out with his brother, who is now a visit to the old country. LINES FltOM LYONS.

KR HI For several years my sister sur fere.l from liver nplatnt. As doctors gave no help we tried B.U.H., which cured her completely. I can reeonouetid It to all. Mai ii Gbahav, Lyons, Ont, the in the a E1US0N HI ILMNIi, HICIIAIMIS STREET, VAXC'M VER, MANCFACri RKIiS OF have on hand an immense stock of these goods in great variety, from the cheapest to the most expensive, in all Styles and Finishes, mil are p'epared at short notice to furnish everything appertaining io the Fixture Business. OUR SHOWhOOHIS are lighted by Electricity, and purchasers can see samples in actual use.

We shall be pleased to have the public call and inspect our stock ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL WORK. WIRING AND EECTRIC LIGHTING A SPECIALTY. ICSd Any Kind of Plums. Plums. Plums.

Plums. Plums. Plums. PLUjtfiS WEBSTER BROS. COH.

Si ASI D.WIIi STS. S6 AM) (OLD STORAGE Ld. Ice delivered dally to all parts of the city. Carloads at special rates. Ollioe 103 Cordova Street, Vancouver, B.C.

Telephone call fc'4. P.O. Box Westminster Depot Front foot of Reghie. 1140 WANTED At Snohomish, 500 Rockmen and Laborers for work on the Great Northern Railway. SrEPPRD, HENrJY CO.

tf HOTEL AT NAKUSP FOR SALE. Two nit revs and acoiuiiUHlatinn for 2 persons; waterfront; doing a (rood paying nsl iitf; reasons for selling, ill Lt altli. Apply to A. IIOYT, 1 iii tt tti wsrsr. vu THE Ml FOLDING EOAT Co.

10, 1 CUTCHSCO Mnufartiire Hie Cflfhrateil Acmp and Kurekn i'urtulili ll(uits ami Cumn Kishinn and Hhoiit luif. WclKhta am. up. PufkaKP 50 In. In cliiTkcil baftKKKH.

I'anvas llwuya! Two Dozen Carried in Coat Pockets. TIIK HK iT DKCOV MADE. SKTil) mit CATALOG I'R. R. L.

A J. W. KIRKV, jIi Caiudiu JgmU, 212 SI. Jam" "'rwt, Hantrfal ili4 lm 500 r.RiTisn (SL'CCESSOIUS TO ALI.SOP MASOX) VANCOUVER BRANCH S0AL HODgLOCK LAND .) INSURANCE INVESTMENT.) Lands Sold and Purchased. Money to Loan.

Time Deposits Received at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. E. B. MORGAN, Manager. LA A.

Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.