St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


bath. (cOS) LOMPTON. 3134 S. block south onn6'te Koosevelt HiitU School; J11'8' floor. 4 rooms, bath, (rarase.

furnace. Hardwood floors, electric refrigeration, all mouern conveniences; must be seen to be an reciated; built lor particular family ol adiilis: lent open. (est HAKTEK. 7501 it-room efficient-- anart- akTW Kll- Kas' "friBeratlon: ftlePHK14ON. ami 4 room 4905 LINDELL BL.

0 .,.,.1 o. mim Kllftea n-itt hiha ana room suites wit It 3 baths. 4220 Nicely luruiahed it eflicicncies; low rent. 2 3 rooms. Dorch fur- KIKKWOOlJ For complete list of honas.

area---' and buildint- lots, see KIRKWOOD TRIST REALTORS. cl 5 I 8 HODIA MO NT. 1279 nace. bath, electric. B.

A. THOMPSON R. AfcttarKAU. 316 N. Nicely furnished liv shower.

READY CASH QUICKLY CONFIDENTIALLY biiiit-ln ing', kitchen, breakfast room: mil-u-av 5872 DELMAR bei i 8 room suites with 2 and 3 hot- 7 and overstuffed suite; very reasonable. University Gty rooms, bath; ind 4484. ti HIli water heat: 545. I'l MllL'V 1 rn Overland 435 HITNT AV. i rooms, toilet; irarae-e.

C. E. VHOOMAK. Arcade lildg. MAm 059fl.

(4) ivor, ueauiuui i room; corner residence. GRand 14'i2J. iooms. NOU111 DlilXE. ti-m at 1-5- room efficiency, completely furnished and newly decorated; fri-idnire: up.

CONNECTICUT. 4112 2 le Irooms. liprht: Beautiiul mociern. bath, in Argyle i'U livquisUely decorated; attractive fix-tiire-; large Frigidaire. Rentals from 115.

NISTEK K. K. CO. MA in OtU. c02 BALTIMORE, 9535 4-room modern brick, foreclosure bargain, J2050.

EV. 822 1. DoiAiAN. 12 racrc. 10 1 nice rooms, bath, pa- nice rooms.

3d floor. S. COLLIKGW(MiI DRIVE. 1114 5-room jtJ west. Just north Olive Street road.

B. A. THOMPSON R. 5872 DELMAR A Nil ASTON E. toiner) Beautifully decorated.

3 and 4 rooms: rent now S22.3 and I2V nt Jjl 'tNE HELD 4339 OUVK Modern apartment: real home: all beautifully, eomnletely furnished: living ruom, overstuffed furniture; kitchen, flresine room, refrigeration: private bath; light, gas, linen, phone service; $50. (el 3UO0A beuutnul S35. iarerside 7117. rooms. cti2 Richmond Heights LACLEDE.

401 2 A 3 JOST REALTY rooms, hath. $22.50 1 NC. II. 3575. EIGHTEENTH.

2433 S. jl7.50 to Webster Groves With. -i lar-ie looms. refrigeration: adults. LOANS $50 to $300 No Endorsers Liberal Payment Plan QUICK Confidential Service INTEREST 2', A MONTH WE ALSO MAKE AUTO LOANS l-0ffices 2 1024 Ambassador Bldg.

7th and Locust Streets Telephone OArfield 3861 nice, ii.hs. new paper, ilc.tric. cl fcLNGALOW Positively the biirget-t bargain in city or county, located in Richmond Heights: $1000 cash will han-dle. Call HIiand 2240 McMILLAN. 4543-45 5-e rooms, newly deoorated; reduced $30.

Apply 1330A Walton. el OLIVE. 3715-gas. electric. GORE.

13M p. ippn -3 rooms. $5: 3 rooms. porches, children. (c3 rooms, bath, furnace: LAelede 1 3tiii.

5023 (Comer of Wilcox) 1 PARK. 4533 3-rooui reasonable. See efficiency; janitor. '-R. AT PER MONTH I THE HOUSEHOLD PLAN offera cash loans of $lO0 lo $30(1 at 2 Vi per month.

I No lower rate on household I 1 -ins Is available anywhere In the city. COME IN. PHONE OR WRITE HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 1 DIOCK east of Kimrsh*trhwav K. first or second floor available: '3 nunns and i --v' -room apartment; electric gas. heat, refrigeration.

Fltanklin 4310. NEWSTF.AD. 1304-14 N. bath, elect. ic.

See agent HOI SE I urnished; for the winnter season: also desirable houses unfurnished FIRST NAT'Ij REALTY. RKnublie 3881 Kitchenette: uiodtrn: reduced to .33. i 5 riHimK, there, (c02) A. J. K1HS.

SJVrimi; 132u. (C2) iitUll TON. 61 (Hamilton Apartments) j.riiiini: very attractive and reasonable: -as. rifitric. janitor service urnishrd, SoO mnnlil.

') hTmiTtON. 1292 SECOND FLOOR; 4 RiMiM-i: ELECTRIC liKHtKiKKATKIX: jITOK SKKVIt'E. JOE ISCHAFiFEK tJL.VORii. 31J34A shower steam heat; NEWSTEAD. 228 S.

5 rrims. newlv dec-orated: modern: 535. FRanklin 6S58. ft (iipno Aot. Weekly 15: monthly.

S55-S75: eomnletely tarnished 3-tt room efficiency. CAhany 6800. rooms; vitiulite garatE. UUd. 0037J HIAWATHA.

7440 A very attractive O-room buiiKalow, all on one flo-ir; wonderful location: beautiful trees, fish pond and mnay other features: convenient to ol.1.9.,.:, home. For particulars call HIiand 71Q4. e2 IKOj'SE -For sale or trade farm, my foui'v in. 4-room house; 100 feet front by 132; fine corner for business or residence. Owner.

7707 Dale Richmond HOUSES, FLATS, ETC FOR RENT. FOR COLORED (7) PAGE. jlOO 1 nioms. first floor. 845; also 7 rooms, second floor, S45; earat'u.

FOrest 2023. LAD, 4251A-55A ti rooms, tile bath, modi rn: wiph. Forest 5201U. WALTON. 510 N.

r.irnihhed 3 now cut to $40. large rooms. rooms, (c4) II 1 1)1 1 I electric 1432. npwl bath. (c02 I GOETHE.

4703 New 3 larsrc rooms, tile pmiered: $311. modern lN. "16 5-rooni efficiency, with or refrigeration. Victor 39(1J. (c62 PACE.

4212 5 rooms. 532. 5Q. ClWtmit 784f). WASHINGTON.

4' 21 Kara lie: (el yard, pri- lu; i'hird floor. oaiu, lurnace, oak floors. Riverside OSSo (c5) vate entrance: paras llANNINt; hath: 517. Jow rent (c.i:ix 4 rooms. (c02 xoo.

at rooms. 2121- iniulern: 535. to e62 GRACE. 430S Beautiful, hieh-trrade flat. 1315 5-room modern single.

1st JOOOO; trade S500O equity for clear vacant or equities in small conacres. EVVrt-reen 8221. i i rooms anil Slinroom- fttru'tlu FOUR OFFICES 308 COMMERCIAL. BLDG. i 214 N.

Sixlh. Cor. Olive. I'll, Vt li-mom efficiency; nt ST5: everything furnished, ara-e. A.

JAY KL'HS. ST. 1220. .62 JfJ't-r-o. rooms, bath and furnace: 1st floor 837 oO: 7 rooms, bath and furnace 2,1 floor.

$4.: newly decorated: open. J. W. GIBSON K. 614 Wainwriht.

iileal location: reasonable. (efi2) RIDGE. OHISA 3 rooms, bath; $25. 13SU Hodiamont: 3 rooms. 518.

H. B. 51 KKAMP fi331 Easton. (e62) P034 i HARTFORD. 341UA Six rooms ctl2 (24 1 WATERMAN, til 52 Newly lunnshed 3 or 4 rouni efficiency: very desirable neieh- horhood rent reduced.

Ic'i2) WKSTM INSTEK, 4 125 New effil eieney; really furnished 13 exposures; 2 real bedrooms, equipped complete: new pres 18 WESTMINSTER. 4H31 Cheap rents; three rooms; newly furnished; two bedrooms; now iM5; new, only S-IO. or semi. I Modern, six reduced. DEI.

VIEKT'RlVE. at janitor: 520 N. GRAND BOULEVARD Opposite Fox Ibeater. JEff. 6577 University City rooms.

3(I2. c02) co*k. 438(1 3 room IlIi KoKY. H27 5 rooms, bath. S17.50.

water, eleelrle; (e02l WEST r.Sn. 1208 Dandy 3 rooms; 1st floor: furnace; bath: redoeed; $25. WOLF-POLLACK, 210 OLIVE, MAin 1858 (c57 10r2A Park. 3 choice rooms. S14.

14H4A S. 11th. 3 rooms, electric, pas. 512 Good flats, too: cheap, CAbany 1701. 4 -Three rooms, bath; will 705 OLPVE STREET Room 305.

Third Floor. CEn. "05 Dickmann Bldpr. 3115 South Grand Blvd. Telephone LAelede 3124 Metro Loan Co.

(Business Established 1 S87 Licensed by the State (cl4) COTTAtiE. ileorate: "321 Jl'NIATA. 4200- DICKSON. 3 lartre rooms and balii. HT'dsnn lh24J.

(e 21 A 5 rooms, pap-red S3(l. TitilN: bath; newly c02) rcmieed to 25. 034 N. GRAND BOULEVARD 222 Missouri Theater Bide. JEff.

i300 prMnteti nnd TEH. 403 3 electric: and 2 I rooms week. 7124 CAMLiKIIXiK AVENUE $19,000 HOME It EDITED TO 1548 CASH. LANCE LIKE KENTT 8 rooms. 4 full-size bedrooms: heat- 1" beaulilul residence section-tiO-ft.

front; will consider trade for small properl v. GRElLiriT. GRAND AND S1LLIVA.V. Webster Groves FLATS FOR RENT Furnished North t.NRlT.H'l'. 424ti Ill-room residence, hard E.

731 rooms. 2 bedrooms. i i "frjgeration: reasonable. (o07) KA 5913 1 rooms, sunroom. re- rintion hull, refrigeration; $35.

157)). c(2) fi-S03 rooms, sublease. I west. PArkvicw 3S5S. led) 4302-64 3 anl 4 rooms: hath.

new oak floors, electric. refrigeration furnished: rent LAFAYETTE. 3H22 4 rooms: hot-water heat: Fleepinsr porch; lower single flat, lil-e new: open. (c5SI LOANS MADE IN wood floor--: modern: fine condition: S05 3033 Iimbdin- 9. lirn 1 NEARBY TOWNS (cl4 I basem*nt like new: rent only SIOV LAFAYETTE.

3941-43A 4 lovely rooms; 4H2eA Cook: (i rooms, hanl-crutil floors- WEST I'INE. 4U5I Apartment: near schools, churches, trolley anil bus: 1 and 1 spmious furnished rooms, at Forest Park locntion: refinement: very low rates, i eti2 1 GLENDALE 3051 West Pine: 3-4 room efficiencies: saraee: S30 and un. foh At condition; rent 3LiO. (eS newlv decorated: $30. 1819 N.

Taylor: 4 rooms, b-lfh furnace- LAFAYETTE. 32 rent 840. Call 45 5 EVrrtrrei room efficiency; IsSl. (e2 newly decorated: barsraiii at FLAT 3 Flat, newly furnished throuphont. three, larire rooms, lanre yard for children, convenient to schools and car line; nuiet and respeetabln neiehborhood ready for occupancy.

See 3932A Kennerly. Mrs. Jones. (e03l r.573. MT I'M! T.ATI.r SACHAB.

CANTOR. NEwstead 1072. (c53-) RENT RE11 ltD. 404-10A Ijtmi; 3 rooms, water, electric; 1st lloor, Sll: 2il floor. SIO.

G2) QUICK LOANS 1 i K. li-roora duplex fctyle- 3 i- ncr mi.nth rent. FKN ISCUS REALTY C- MAin 447. 51 OA IAKK. ENRIGHT.

40ti5 10 ar line; modern: fcnsm-nhlc. Miller. CEn. 2353. MOST ATTRACTIVE NEW LISTING Practically new: 0 rooms, tile bath, hot-water heat, hardwood, floors; earai-e in basem*nt: lot 5(1x175: price reduced to Sll.oOO and auick sale needed.

Spe 418 Summit av. TRE.MBI.EY-WII.8QN. WEBSTER C.ROVFS IN EBSTER 1'A RK 221 Hawthorne; brick house, hot-water heat, with oil burner, kelvinator i-araj-p-bpautlfn yard. REpublic 38X4. (cOI) HOUSES, FLATS, ETC.

FLATS FOR RENT Central )1TSIANA. 5205A-11 5-room efficiency; screened porch. RIv. 4153W. (cH2l ENRIGHT, 403(1 4 rooms; modem; rent very reaosonnhle.

JEfferson 7250. (cl RENT RERT TED. THREE ROOMS. Fl HNTSHED. S27.50.

3214 Montgomery: bath, electric, nicelv fnrmsbed throughout. Key nt 3222. 'c03) 2750 rooms, bath; UK GAMBLE. 830. READY CASH WITHOUT DELAY If ynti can use money In any amount up to $30) why not call or phone our office.

Yon will find us a friendly, human bunch of folks the kind you like to do business with. INTEREST RATE 2 4 A MONTH ON FURNITURE OR ENDORSERS Repayment arranged to suit your income. Come in and ask all the questions you like. We promise you courteous treatment and satisfactory service. Charter Loan Co.

(eB2) I SE OUR 01 ICK. NO ENDOKEKS. HELPFUL SERVICE NO DEDICTI0NS Mcdonald. 3130 room with garas heat: modern; 1st A. JAY Kl'HS, 5 looms and sun for 40; hot-water and 2d floor available.

STerliny 1220. ti2 CAsS. lllfcB To rooms: electric; newly decorated: reduced; its. CHestnut fiiiol. AND VKKISON.

24A N. At Lucas) choice 8 rooms; heat, hot water furnished: reduced; $63; see janitor, or MAin 1858. FLATS FOR RENT Furnished North tile bath, MeREE. 4001 3 rooms, nace. redecorated.

rooms: CASS, 3 lars trie. Erns: cheaii clean rent. t's exquisitely decorated. VfiOUMAN, 796 Arcade Bids. ic4) 71" '3 lare rooms.

2 dinins room, break-i back sun room, will deco- 4-11 4 rooms. 1 lloor; KeHrinatr. eas ranee, Hlinnd MAl'I AV. heat, rcf ri2-eratinn. Open.

VROOMAN. c4 1845 MENARD. -Three nice rooms, S12; RENT REIH'CFD 810-1 6 Lnlfaiime. 2 rooms, water, electric. 8.

3 rooms, ater, eleetrir. st I II. FCRNTSHED F'LAT Modern: 3 Fri-idaire. caratre. TYler rooms.

llURMO, 5 nxims. hath, electric. newly painted and papered; et2 IHAMiS. 1115-17A 5 rooms, hath: S20. (c02) KENT KtDllKU.

(cfi2 MERAMEC. 3732-rent reasonable. 4 rooms, bath, luruacc. LAc. 3tiol.

(cS PENROSE. 4C1S 4 reionis. furnished. E-irare; ndults. bath, (O LA SALLE.

2031 3 516. JOST. 722 large rooms, CbeMnut. electric, (e53xl BIG BUN(iALOV 15ARGAIN! 753 Tale av Webster Groves: strictly modern o-room brick bum-alow; garatre; now vacant: open for inspection- asy terms or take vour lot in as irat'e JOHN H. l'Arkvlew 3301.

BFNGALOW 4-rHni nnxlern brick' Kara-re: $4750; easy terms. REpublic 3881. (cOI WRITF. for list nnd new map of Wei.stei. WF.BSTER GROVES TRUST Realtors.

(c8 I Wellston MERAMEC. 3711 Modem 4 lovely rooms, waler heat: excellent condition. (c53i 315 Mo. Ttieater Bldf. JEff.

74 i South ij.u-.iii.:! iioean; 3 or ter. electric: 811 to 1 3. rtomi, c2 Ll'CAS. 2702A 3 moms. bath, toilet, clcp-tric: paper: $10.50.

(c MIAMI. 3I1US rent reduced; 4f Arcade Bldg. CHestnut 8214 USE OUR QUICK. HELPFUL like new; 4 rooms, tcaras invest icnte. VOC MAY PAY 4.00 Per Month on a $100.

On l-oan 9 M.OO Per Month on a iOO lsn Per Month on a $300 Ia PLUS Interest at the rate of 2'4 per month for the exact time you use the money. You are at liberty to pay off your loan at any time and i-ton the Interest, lnformition cheerfully given. OFFICE HOURS 8:30 to 5:30 IN.UD1NG SATIRDAY CALL. WRITE OR PHONE Fulton Loan Service 230 Paul Brown Bldg. GArficld 0851 GArfield 4472(el7) tEENTH, 1407 N.

3 $3.50 (c02 I L'LAINE. 3930A 3 rooms and bath, week. S35 month. or.lYE. -4 rooms and bath.

trie. gas. now 510: good rooms, eltc-rooms, open. (c58i SERVICE. (c2l --H o- (c4) Mil H1GAN.

(i713A 3 rooms, bath, new hardwood floors: 525. Riverside 48firiM. DE TONTY. 4113 Furnished 3 soproorn -nr? sVprfp porch; trsrrtge.tcS) (cl RANDOLPH. 2223-23A 4 rooms, first floor.

$16; 4 rooms. 2d rear. 512. (e62 four rooms North LAFAYETTE. Lovely with two beds; adults.

MICHIGAN. 2331 4 rooms, modern, hard-woixl floors: ni tal weather strjpied. (4 SARAH. 911 -913A N. Nice flats, rent GRand SOORR.

fcl) ASHLAND, decorated; FURNITURE AND SALARY LOANS 4255W -3 rooms, rent rigrht; oieu. bath. Klv. MINNESOTA. 32111 Five rooms and sun porch: modern: 845.

PRospeet ntwly 3814. ctta i Single Flat, $21)501544 Lewis Excellent repair; nice location; small payment, balance montitly; your chance. W.Abssh 1X5M. c02 1 Southwest ST. CHARLES.

2303-rent reduced to $14. 3 rooms, electric; CHestnut 2575. MINNESOTA. 3313 Four nice rooms and toilet reasonable. 2 tile FLAT Nicelv furnished.

4 efficiency; hth- 540. S32 KA'ergreen 37St. KENT KtulfKl). 2211-17 Benton: Iront or rear; 3 rooms. water, electric.

see agent there. ct2 1 WASH. 1fil3-1r 3-room front. $15: 3 rooms rear. $10.

(c (12 7 The- most attractive the I'nirersity Hills district; J. baths. Garaee in and electric refrigeration. T11P partmotith the most convenient aunrt- T'r. vrsiiv Jark room, bedrooms, tile bath and Tt nook.

Ga.i 'i fr. rntor. Inspect toiav. HANK WILL.MORE rAVlnT 0403 f.o erv attractive second- tt. 'v.

front view oten to roorc. 2 bnth. a closets; Fnrat (C7i 1st. fo.r: 5 rooms. Al eniidition electric j- SSO.

CAbany t3fs. rS I A loveiv apartment. Ptrk. in The best i newly decorated. Owner e57x) I PER CENT A MONTH.

NEBRASKA. 3830 ra're. ironing beard. 5 rooms, mfxli ru, gn-weatherst ripped. 2 1 2 QUIUK.

CONr lDENTIALt. Wert ON. JUKI A 3 liKht rooms, water. electric: newly painted and papered. lower WEST BELLE 3003 Stumpfs; dandy small suites; heat, hot water, gas, rleetric, furnished; see janitor today; $20 tip.

(c57) 4-room iraraire. NEBRASKA, 3233 b-ith. furnace, S35: flat, i 02 BUNGALOWS AND COTTAGES For Sale No7th CLINTON bath. 2: 1454 tour lare .5. rooms aiul (oS2 ft ROYAL LOAN CO.

EVANS. 4251W 3 riMims. completely furnished: re-M home: living room: overstuffed furniture: real bedroom, kitchen: school 51 weekly. $35 monthlv. I 1 NEW 4-room efficiency; heat.

liKht. Kas. electric refrieeration: 5r0. HTT. 1133.1.

3iuil- -4 rooms, bath, electric lxLIEii. furnace at A. instaikd: rent i27. Keys ieinif water, S. 3 rooms.

I 527 Paul ltrown Hlrlsr. CH. 6133 NINTH, 17J3A trie: Sll. NEED READ THIS: lioans $300 or less nn household furniture or notes. 30 MONTHS TO REPAY.

Interest only per cent per month on unpaid balance no other charscs of any kind. omplctc privacy. Personal Finance Company 205 Frisco 9th and Olive Phones: GA (11. 4004 WELLSTON OFFICE: 0200 Enston Atr. Second Floor State Bank Bid-.

Phone MCI. Ke, (e.i2l i.lri Warne. bath, (c) EVANS. il42 Three lower rooms: forrace. laondrv: cratre 525.

TO LET BUSINESS PURPOSES Central strictly I 201 Wt-Ilston BMK. Mil. 1 464 i (cl4) 1AIK, 31t5 modern; Nc- 3-rixiui llat; Riverside 3811. kiichep-( c02 OREGON. 3101 New.

3 rooms, ptle- very modem reasonable. FLATS AND APT'S WANTED FIFTEENTH first (62) i aUraelive rooms, trarasre. reducefl. OSAGE. 3133 floor, furnace.

eled. toilet. 1512 N. 3 rooms, remod-bath. shades turuisiied: 522.

preferred. c2 Small family a'i 2021 4 rooms; feas, electric. inside toiht: gar'iL-e; Northwest BARGAIN TERMS 3007 N. Taylor; 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, tile bath, garage, papered and painted: price Sam Rich, Fit. 28(8) N.

(e(t2) FLAJY. 5105 New brick, 5 larire rooms; must sell on account foreclosure. MAKE OtFF.K. EVergr'-pti Sotltll OSAGE. nqt attartmnts.

1 floe.r north. 3d MONEY FOR FALL AND SCHOOL EXPENSES rooms, bath, reasonable. modern (02) 34 15 A optional HI r.r.N ill. waVr. eleetrit; 2101 Si.

rooms, iras. (c(i2 I refrigeration; ooen. 4 roms, mod- west. (e53x I 3 iar'e 1st flo. OSAGE.

2752 New ern. reasonable, see MONEY TO LOAN On iewelry. lugu-age. shotguns. Friedman Loan Mercantile 214 lMh.

Formerly 1839 Market. (c8 bHthK. 00 14 5 floors, stationary s-ieeu porch aial room.s. bath, hardwood tubs, storage tank, lare COlfax ti3t3. tcl eration.

570. 10O6A 3 rooms. Inside sor-em-d CA. 7M2 i. 1 toilet.

PARK. 1 You may borrow to $300 for your needs. 25 months to rppay. Our in- 1 tpresi charge Is 2 'A i4 per month. Public Loan Corp.

71 (to MANCHESTER AV. HIiand H500 1 1123 Ambassador Bldg. GArfield 1070 MONEY' TO LOAN 2 per cent per month. on your diamonds. waties or jewelry.

Dunn's, 912 Franklin. Established 1873. APARTMENT CoupIp. husband awav some of time, wish to share modern apartment with lady living alone. Box Post-Dispatch.

FLAT Wtd. 4 roorus. lower: near Catholic church and hool; Southwest. LA-e'ed" 3748. Box C-tPi, 1'JiAT Wtd.

Southwest, ti rooms or eo.uiv-slcnt. first floor: not over $00. Hudson Q7Q2. (c Furnished Flats and Apartments Wtd. H.KNISHKD APARTMENT Wtd.

Ee-trie refrigeration: west preferred: must be reasonable: near srnool. Mrs. Spangle. PPospp-'t iS'-'K 9:30 to 5. tod2l heated: (c02 GHEKil.

2U11IA ti rooms, tile bath, hani-wi'inj lloors; separate S4t. tell 30S hot 0 WPter PARK. 3n0or. rooms. near fltani park.

Aiin Beautiful 3 snd 4 ries: new building; bargain. 2 LOWEST RENT DOWNTOWN. 200-12 Olive; dandy, light. heated space; largt or small; elevator service; agent on premises. WOLF-POLLACK.

210 OLIVE. MAin 1858 (c57 I North LUNCHROOM On two Ihorouchfart s. completely equipped; rent cheap. 1504 Palisbury. (c) South FOG KENT OR LEASB Modern store building.

25x5o. with or without 5-room flat above; 2S43 S. Jef-lerson. LAelede 0573, Mr. hotnlau.

O-02) DESIRABLE CORNER STORE. Good business location: bargain at 550, or wi'l 3vkie: living auarters if desired. 2Q24 Pest tlozri. LAelede 0445. ktlBSf'iH, 4 hide- -3 rttoniis.

furnace. bath: r-n. screens. efi 2 1 1 3 rooms and floors, $2i): ea- (cR2) Mtracuve room. EN LVANIA.

5 2 1 5 A bath; furnace, lard wood rst. 53. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE SACKIIK TO SAVE FGKECLO-UKE. 48xx Mileutz. (i rooms.

13-iinh brick walls; splendid condition; weather-stripped throushout: fin place; yard like park: Ai block from Kiugshik-hway S. convenient to everyihiiiir: worth $7000: snap, this week. S525o. Siiown bv appointment onlv. F.

D. Anderson. Hiland 1414 c05 1 I 7 A 5 rooms reasonable; and bath: near Fair, LEE. 4llOl nrlition: P3rk. (TO id rrounds cfitj 3 larce imsT psr iinro)in.

re-Epston. (cFI rooms and r5s PESTAliZZI. 2312 b.Th: 523. FOR SALE Gasoline Statioa leased 2717 N. month's Rl'SSELL, 420S Four rooms.

Murphy. Frisidaire, reduced. 4 looms. cl-e-conecssion. CH.

(ct 2 1 Trie; decorated: r- north, trie icebox. 572 DFT.f AR sun parlor, ATw. e2 I to Slnpta'r; will sell at T-170, Pot- LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Auto Loans corner; Box excellent Gravols hnrca fur cash Dispatch. heat, RENT BUNGALOW BARGAINS. 4-5-6 rooms, $3500 to S52O0: small down payment: monthly payments like roil: come to 7200 Gravois.

no 2 blocks east on Allemania. See Mr. Rock at Held office. Riverside 4101J. I 02 1 efficitn-v, adults onlv.

(e' SHAW. wooH .20. 4 floods: RESIDENCES FOR North M.VliiSON. 2ilaA Large 3 rooms; bath; just refinished: special; $19. WOI.F-1'UI.LAIK, lO OL1 YE, MAin 1858 tc57l Apblv -SI 450i SHENANDOAH.

4(01 heat. S42.50; 2-cnr 2 reducintr rent to 534. 8 rooms, steam nrasre, rents for 5S; 50. (cR2l BATES. Sti'ed.

Rent redd s. pi. ASHLAND. 4230- -4-room cottage. $25: (e4 i wid decora MAkliAKKl'lA, 422UA New.

uimirm; 4 rooms, tiled bsuh: unusually nice: bar-a-nin. tO. Pill PArkview til f5. I $25 to $1500 COI PAGE Brick. 5 rooms.

modern. trade, nil. LAcb-de 7440. COTTAGE 5 rooms, bath, rood location, $320(1 LAc. 7)40.

FARMS FOR SALE Missouri CORNER STORE Large: ideal business location for srrocery and market: low rent. S. Jeffers m. (ii2 PENROSE. 4430 room house to hath: f.irace.

itself: (c) SHENANDOAH. 4003 First west; living room, dinimr room, kitehenctfe. breakfi't roon. 2 bedrooms. I.Aelid 835.

W. 2 rooms, Colfax aiiMiJ. MARGARETA 4217 bath, als-i gara-e. aico 1 tctii 40 ACRES of land oil Hiurisville rd. Mis.

Anna Boos. Route 1, Cntn wisa. Mo. (2 DKLOIt. 4251 Modern 4-room brick.

school, churches, street ears. Rl. rooms. bath, first-class Northwest GRAND AND store: good for any A. MAYER Realty li.EASANT.

412l rooms: MS. -Corner: wonder-business. SEE 3518 S. Grand. c02 I A tO A 4 0 3 2 A 5 furnace, hardwood floors, dition: PRos.

r- 7 rooms. 3 bfl- beautiful an-rt- i -1 Ccfi5 1 11 rrv 12.50. si.v i enst of 3 5-room eff'ei- 1 p' n. hrs. i ei2 7 01 7 r.ii rtp-- 1 in mints front apart- eludinc piiiv L- refris-era- fee; 1 I -0 ROOMS.

BATH. DEWEY. 4144 New. 5 rooms. shower.

hert: bar-rain. Cii. (cl CORA. 151S-20-TRIC; 8311. St.

Louis County PRAIRIE. 4121-31 heat' rent retiuccd 4 rooms, bath, cas COi. 7tillW.icti2l SilENA NI'OAH. 4110 5-room efficiency; modern; Murphy bed; S4Q. LA.

2774. (c02) SALENA. 20.000 so. lis-ht. heat, elevator, sprinkler; adapted anv busin'.

J'-iT REALTY. 113 N. TENTH. ODDV. 82 1.

'5-t-rin onl -5-room nii'iiWii orick easy S075('. (H. 2575 LI (TLL. 5015 Six-room modern low. r'tit S52.50.

I'RAIRIE. 312" Lower flat. 4 rooms and bath: near Beaumont High School. cti2) FRANKFORT. 5ii21 block from Gr.i vois.

S10OI N'pw 5-room brick, 13 men walls F-n'rlish tvpe, modem: oix-u. HOWARD K. KEI.SEY. LAelede I23. (c2l NO LOANS TOO LA ROE NO LOANS TOO SMALL AVE MAKE LOANS THAT if OTHERS JfEFUSE AIISIII.I TELA- Til BEST TKF.AT-i MENT IN TOWN.

AKK A 1 ONE WHO i HAS HONK OR IS DOING BC8I-! NESS Willi I S. LOANS MAKE IN i FIVE MIN I TI S. NO I ti i STRICTLY (INHIIKNTIAL. IF YOU OWE ON Hll Alt OR lll(K WK kitchenette. i) ton 1 rooms, tile bath, hard- (loors.

fiyneee. garage; Ideal home. PP.AIRIH. 4343 N. 3 rooms.

West I CO- sra.age. COlfax 4vb.i. SPFCIAI, LOW KENT! OPEN! 7I0A St. Vincent: Inrgn rooms; bath; Ii1; new: relneed; 521: hurry. WOI F-POLLA( 210 OLIVE, MAin 1858 e57) FINANCIAL LOANS ON REAL ESTATE ba'h.

cS) LILT'1E. 521s 5 rooms one floor; modern. Inspect and make otter. ST. Ull'li.

402i) Cot I aire. 3 rooms, as electric, ctrag-e; nasfinablf. SACRAMENTO. 4217W and 4229W 2 nximn. bath, redecorated: choice location; red'n-od key next door.

et2 1 3530 S. Grand. 01i -5 rooms; phone lively ronr.jS 2 ition. beautiful will lncorate. M-v.

JEfferson (', r. i.oris. lin 2C02. TENNESSEE. sinzlf I f' 5 It I Mo.i-n 0707AV.

MEA1-OW. H027 Frame I'tittate: 5 5245Q: 012 Aronlc Illdz. rooms. hardwood ter furnished. 1.L1VAN floors, h'-st.

MONEY TO LOAN FIRST DEED OF TKI'ST GARAGE FOR LEASE In central west part of city; one-story building. 80 x200'. in excellent condition: large doors both front and rear; steam heat; usable for any purpose. Box T-130, Post-Dispatch. AEiiRY.

5141 cottage. 4 rooms, newiy decorated, garaze. c2 i I .1 -3 rooms. MEADoW. 9025 Frame cottage: 3 rooms.

electric, jrns. T-NTH. 2318 512. lurnaoe. 1 roonis.

-iin-CAb. 1 WH1TTIER. 3044A 3 strictly modern rooms, near Fairground Park; redud. (cS) modern: ga-75i'-J. Open.

WABADA. 504H 5 rs t-e n-n: reduced rooms, CAb. niod-( efl MICHIGAN. 2031 Brick cor-a'-re. 4 rooms.

I'-h. f-irnnii'; low price. LAc. 7 410. Oil I.ii7aN.

3f)25A 3 lar-- rumrv ern: sepprite f-ntranes. PT'. 1 1 5 DOCTORS' OFFICES hot WILL PAY OIF llil II ADVAM MllllK MONEY AND MKI. VIII PAYMENTS TO SUIT KM I Nt 11)1 E. IK IT IS INCON.

VE.MKNT TO RHINO A III CAR till TRl'lk, 1EIEPIKINK ANII WE WILL BE GLAD TO SEMI Ol II REPRESENTATIVE TO SFK. VOI Guaranty Motor Co. 2H.I0 IM-nst St. JFfferson 2484. or 4 room i ilihorhe'i'1 etV2 water: e02 1 3 looms, hruh. UTAH. 2'm si ti nbt e. Northwest South 25 1 ro re hath, furnished offices, 340 N. Boyle. 41) 4 rooms or 3 Will share 3 attractive phono, etc.

Fiverett, BMj r'ot ro. (c02i ALLINE. electric: 4 555 3 larfc-e rooms, bath, tras. newly decorated. c2 modern c2 I'TAII roller 1U.1N- OS.

buiie alow. OTS1S. PA. (cf52 SHAiiP. S30 p.

rnoiitii buys 4-5 rooms: new brick 13-inch side drive: A I construction; two Mocks eolith Csrnndelet Park. Rlv. 0783.1. loENOFA 4137 Modern 6 -room bunrn-low." 2-car fcrnraire. hardwoetd floors, fur- n.iee.

inst ant water wr pps. shades, ptr-t ts "tid ailev m-'d-1. MII.LER-SC11EF.R R. 1. CO.

I. A 1 rooms, oiwli-rn. (c2 I YARPFLLMAN. 4002 3 527. 50.

with earare. AKLINtiTON. 1522 Modern 4 rooms. clean, new fixtures: con omen to everything. Jl NIATA.

3071 7 rooms, furnace, bath. electric: 3-car -rarae. B. A. THOMPSON R.

5872 DET.MAR PINK. Hill KENT OK SALE 0405 Manehest eood building. suit.ile for any kind of business; rdate-glass '-tore front: 75C'0 suunre feet of floor spice. JOHN P. IMII.AN REALTY V'i! ManebestPr.

Hllnnd 2filn SINCE ls7. SI'IUIDTAIAN I ItODT.MA Kh AL ESTATE tOAiPA.VV. EE Us." MONEY. fore placing or renewing your loan get our ralps. "See us." Oui'k results.

i IlKIVI'IAN BKINKOP K. E. 3021 8 tel. LAelede II. (e5Si MONEY lvOANLD SHlO.OilO on unproved St.

Louis real estate lowest interest; advance on rents, second deeds trust. JOHN S. BLAKE I5 Chestnut (e8) 5At li.NT miine ti iaulf. tin rtouble or single flals, si fee; no extras. John 811 ltd.

Lite Hlilr. G-53X i stiVlee o.l Hist alio 2u lilol'l aefr. ROYAL REALTY A I.NV. 4 53Q lelinnr Id. Forest 4211.

VIRGINIA. 231 5 4 larte rooms, tr. condition- twtb hot-water heat: earaze; 5M3. r-trpstnut 62.i. (clOO) heat ed2 PARK.

23U0 10 rooms, two baths -irnished: janitor: hot water. ri fin'sbenl. in. Ain 0501. Arcade P.Mt.

fi'li ASHLAND. 4739 4 rooms and tile bath, sf-ani heal- irarrttre; rent $35: will decorate. F. A. KECK 4351 Wanic.

tcti2) Mi r. Aito Lsnra3 3 11 ilie. all moilern $00: b'droom. din-SIS. indon e2 5014 I.ivine-.

-in. kitchen, refrieeration 5: 30 1 8 1 1 I fell OMVK. 337 N. Jefferson, heated Stores. Southwest i VARKELMAN AV.

I 6 rooms, batli. cottas-e; in giod condi-'t'op- 1, asona t.e tiim-. open. 0322. (e3i il'Ui M.tdcrn 5 riioiris.

ris-eratinn sarace: fire- H' (FFMAN. 417 4-room frame bungalow: rent $35. Riverside 4108. (c02 1 VIPGINIA. 3022A 3 mores modern: rncfl to s-ionsiVitp Tprtv.

ST. ENGF.LBKKT PARISH. 4573 Carttr: 4 rooms, modern; tl air beat- craraire. irood location. KOKTK.

11" N. 8th. MAin 1238. -12 KF.NT REIH El. Office Space 5outhwet West rgMSHlD or I'NFURNISHEC WILCOX 4052 A Corner: 0 and sunrooin: block ent Kincshisrhway: ready to 00- ri'n-: -rerv rnnlern i I modern c02 I desk, iihones; 5(12 Ambas ador.

DESK ront 1520A-22 Cora; 3 or 4 rooms: bath, ras, Greatly iarriflei d. ttl III ti electric: S17.5Q. 5 rooms. Al condition. lily, tioo.w.

41 Mli.Nl-.l Tl UlA.l I'll second ileeun Oi trust. 5111 Internatioii'l 2 baths. (21 CHAMBERLAIN. 5021 12 rooms, erar'-c: suit- b'e roorrintr bouse. (eli2l PINE.

2112 office and warehouse space: ticpf fprnioHed. WYOMING 4110 list east) Llvlti- room, riinin? room kitchenette breakfast room. KH-orm. T. Ac'e-te (eO'-' rooms, fur-low rent.

4I COTE KUILLIANTE. 4537 nace: 2 parages fine yard; OA. EVANS 37i3 0 rooms, bath, electric: 52: .50. JOST. 722 Chestnut.

Ca3x apartments, newlv ocstion: mail and telephone calls; furnished. $50 up. call FRar.k-- cS I modern: new (c67 1 777 N- EICLID. furnace: It rooms, open. Southwest COTE BRILLIANTE.

5S18 3 rooms, bath. S24: newlv liecoratod: on-n. COl. 72f (c3i WANTED BUSINESS PURPOSES LirJrKRi Wtd. And sturag- umi for small stock: will furnish own furniture -net tel-nhone.

Pox fost-Dis. MONEY WANTED MONEY On. Odd. 1st for months- 'i actual nn nt rook-bottom value; interest nllarterlv:'in.ldl teilltis. good is a high-'--ra-'e prooo-sitiou and stand strii lnvestufHtiou.

Box c-95. Pot-I'stiatch. 55 i $25 to $1000 A Safe Place to Borrow K.ilitMishert Over 12 Years. People go where tlpy are trcMel right; th. why we have 25.00') satislicd customers.

We make loans that others r-fuse. Largest and ohlest auto loan in St. ltuis. If you ewe on your car or truck, we will pay off your mort. e.aL-e.

your psymetit* and imdvanea you non nioney: year to pay. Polite, confidential a rvice. Phone JFfferson Welfare Finance Co. N. Croud Odeon Ttieater (cJ4 ROOMS.

BATH (c02 1413- :45. GRANVILLE. ELECTRIC: rooms. WOK KING MAN'S CHANCE. 3122 Jamison.

5-room brick: hath. gsa. eO-etrie. furnace; lot 4lyl20- esady wort. s.ooi).

sparifice for $2975: S200 cash, bal-acp like rent. Anderson. IHland 1414. 1 1 PVItKl'lt 500.5-9 new 5-rooni English bungalows; tirtollte liath and kitchen: hot-walrr beat carafe; blocks from street ear: one block from nev Kennenl School: priced to sell: terms: open end evenings. JOE 5CIIAKFKK K.

CO. Plrpr'b'e 2277 c(i'!) i l. steam DEVONSHIRE. 4P33 tsecoiid st I rooms, dinm- rooms, kitchenette, breakfast rooms. 2 bedrooms.

LAc. c02 ELM BANK. 4417A 4 rooms 1 at De Muni apt tn.ents. 3 or 5 room or furnished to np'd transportation liii-iri (c bath, fur-JEff. 15S8.

(c2l .50. KING HIGH WAY, 1338 N. (Off Page): rhoice St rotims; modern; fine condition; reduced to $70: lee at once. WOLF-POLLACK, 210 OLIVE, MAin 1838 (c57l nace. attic: tarae: GARNER.

5. rooms, modern, brick reaseinablel REAL EsSTATE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE pi coot; 3 I-. Wevt End. worth j.av 1 jer cent,,!i. -l-jlji IC2I jiiu.ta benutifiil Slii.ooi): will Box c-50.

I'o ef fieienev EI.MBANK. 4527-37 5-room will decorate: rents reduced. etlioien-(ctil o-room GOETHE 5 1 Si) 4-room, cv; electric refrigeration; rot.rT, effirieney; also 'it. decorated. See i'jii KI'HS PL.

1 00I R-riM-m bnngplow; modem: 575. A. JAY KU11S. STer. very 1 220.

(021 4 rooms and bath: reasonable. eC.2 HODIA MONT. lfiOCA furnished: rent MO.V i.r r-i- ei lit ins- gi. loan on fai tory buiblini; suecrssful Phone FOr-st JANl'ARY. 5521-23 Just completed i-room duplex bumralow: sonen ireplace: painted and paneled colored tile bath r.nd shower.


ni-. 4 5. fi and or unfurnished: NEW ENCLISll mil'LKX Remit i id corner of Gaff and Sutton- LI NDELL. 1(1 or 20 rooms, four ca-aees; will put in f'rrt-class condition: location for doctors, institutions, hotel; onen d-ii'v 10 to (c53x) I.AHADTK, 525-5127 '-room efficiency, reduced eoneession. OI.01t.HI.IN REALTY Eff.

157. I et2 I RESIDENCE Clear, in Webster Park, to trade for business property not exceeding Must be a corner and preferably located west or south. Box T-lll. Post-Dispatch. WAf il.iuo 2d ii.

ot trust ami oif in monthly payments. will pay lo per cent commissi n. iox C-5S. I'. Ii.

irrae; reduifd. -4 rooms, hrr.t: rent LI.NDENWOjD. screened porci $25 TO $1000 i 110x140 lot: 0 rofim. bath and levatorv in each half now nted for 57(1 each bath, furnace: 1 LINDELL. 42'Ki 13 rooms.

3 baths, six I garas-es. rxc.llent for tea room or board- LAB A DIE. 3-2U 5 rooms, pwlv riapered: S35 MAGNOLIA. 0011 Nice lower o-room el-ficiency. s-ara e.

HIiand (Cj2 ine- nouse. iii; ramn. co- Wtd. For modern 5-room single priced low al Sll. 00(1.

LAc 05''3. co 2 BRIDGE. 4717A 3 lar-re 25. rHtnut U2 5. cl 1 NA'i I RAL rooms, bnth BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RASMUS5EN.

Rihli'er roil Owner. 2712 fc- a Tlflsnd I I CRIEFTEI.D. 1 1 1 5 rooms and ha sacrifice S3900. half cash. CAbany 527 1.

e02 1 MICHAEL. 1310 5 rooms, first class eon-ditiop, near churches and schools. c2 1 MAKDEU 4H73A New four room, still-room, modern: reasonable. Pllos. 4...

e02 D.ARDANELLA. 0233 block e-t of Nr.RTIILANn. 3-4 rooms: toilet. S20: J-i month free. Phone PA.

15'''- 1 eo2 A UK KT sale. Box AND omea GROCERY pice tor APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED North rX'ntished efficieiK'y i.l 1 1 N. Broadway. cw 1 South 4' (Smith block 1V and Southwest) oy- re l'ieed. I ('65 At the rneiu 'A -135.

c2 Kienlen. 2 blocks ot jciriuce: 7 two baths: fur-traraRe: strictly modern: 510. tc02) PAGE. 42n'sW nace: doubb S. TYler 1 MAHIiEL.

40f'0 -5-room. finished sleeping riorch e'lrfore. 4-room brick: fine condition: one carfare: il 4 i will trade for lot or equity In lot. open. rooms, sunroom; EV.

4fll. 31 4 reditced. NORWOOD, rpc-e: rent and Ph. Owner. EVer-i -'en S259.

FLATS, APARTMENTS, FOR SALE Central IN'lKHKfT in ol finery; iloinc a evening-'. PArkvi ine sau-s i-oiiiiiany MHid liiisuns'i. 431 SW. A REAL HOME. REDI CEIL S5.

5520A Milent. exceptional iocatiun: 5-wm ti'e roof, side drive. (c02) PAGE. 5-24 Lov. ly modi rn 10 rooms.

rent, salr or evchange: open mornimrs c-cent -ttnlavs. (c53x (C) ORIOLE. 5456 New. modern blngle flat. 4 laree.

beantifnl rooms and sun parlor. Cr'l EVerrreen f1WY. with run- FilJl'ITV in city Inroiiic property for first deed of trust on good farm; Southeast Missouri preferred: no dealers. Box f-irr. Pot-Dlspiiteli Cilnl 29.HI-32-: 4 S'X fin-.

all AGE. 4733-Tin- -ater: -House, lo rooms. as. rlccfricify. M.illNi.HAM.

6I43A O-room eilitieney flat modern, parage; S50. GAr. 03.4. cS 1 rented lai-t 2 years. Grel futi'r-.

S.s.i'Ui JRIt. PATT'ON. 5374 3 lrze. 1 small NO ENDORSERS K. FjssA WE PAY 0K THE REMAINING; It Al-AM ON IIIIH I Ml.


sacrifc-- terms. 3711 Cottaqc son 4105. 02) ef icienc.v. com-2 b-vi rooms; ruasonaif1. (c5Tt ter furnace; S30; neat iurnisneu; 5.

mrdorn 4 room flat; 7500W. (c02 5020 Nnw RJverside cofi PERSHING. 5S4f Modern 7-room home; hot-water beat: 2-car will lease to responsiblp tenant. SI 00 month: open m. to p.

m. (c2) PERNOD, reduced. EXCHANGE 5-room brick bungalow: subject to S4O0O first deed only; will trado for desirable simrlp or bungalow, preferably west or what have ynu? M. Franklin. 4S39 Carter.

cl Vrivat' Northwest WILL lease dress factory; rf sj'iaiiih: machines. 1 oeik'ker. ciittuin- ail -I'warf iguipmoiit. Hipiilation of town, I2.5U; write cdl on lrinoes Ma.n Driss New iq en. HI Q2 i ihr.Ni; attorney for ful itimc emiiioyment with local maiif icturer in highly profita-lilft line.

Admission to bur not fssenlial. Nominal income lo start. Investment optional. Sim' travel ii' ci Must fniniU'tr with corporation, patent anil copy-nuht laws. Box I'ost Dispteh.

rt.nnis. ad 1 1 si. FRANTIPO 4R17 4 rooms, bath. STOCK SON KLTY. CO.

EV. 4W. sol THWEsT, 7t1 3 rooms hath: hardwood floors: heat furnished: S30; gnrnze nnfioml. HI'and 1 025 (c12) N. 7 ROOMS.

BATH. I'H'NG. V-ACE- "II COTE BRILLIANTE. 5828 4-7 rooms, bath- S15O0; terms. itiMEHOY.

EV. 7.107 05 bath. Southwest Lower 41 (12 rye, 4. S403. SPALDING.

473S 4 bT.h. COlfax corner; (c2) -Y 1 1 A room bungalow, lot lOOx 2(K); will tnde for dotib'e flat. South SI'e. RIv.

Sl "1 11 ER LAND. 5203 rooms. bitb: ST. CLAIR IIAN" I'O. I-wmt cl7i A'FRNON.

5055 9 rooms. bat. extra toilet- tarrtge; fine condition; $60 GRfnr! "S'P4W (pi I.n.dll OPKX NOW South rooms, bath: Riverside 1 I.OIIS. 5112-14A rt rooms modern: c.irr tro optional: S34.50. J32.o0.

iOrcst S7fifiW. THOLOTiAN. 5045 5 ern; rent reasonable. mod-171. (c02) EXCHANGE 5500 Liscite: 5-5 mo.ii in flats: want bungalow to $8501) Ren-el-AVeber.

8. Grand. LAc. 9513 ELLS. 5113 6 rooms fur-? (e02l see.

535. 4 and rooms with paras rooms. r'ls) THFOTilOSIA. furna-c. MAin BUSINESS WANTED ale FOr.

4S)5t rent WEST nSE. Fir rent, chansre: open 2 to 4: phone WALSH, modprn red cPd 53o. or cx- lin.y. (p53t) i RE FREE S53.50. 'Hi N01 Chipttewa: beauti- hrrind-npw: sei-elioii bet'oiiie T'i viliie.

See it now. EXCHANGE 4215 Hartford, 5-0 modern flats: want nic 4-5 room brick biin-ralow in a good location. LAelede 9544. APARTMENT 2KMi soinli. ner t.raiul; all trarsporiation I2-family: 08 per cent rented: financed lu June for 5 jears; first.

$1500 second; will sell my eiuity including 4 furiushel for S18(I(mi; worth iron fin-man. electric re-f regera tors, renewed floors, new guterin-r; P-rpnll, nt condiiinn. PRo-pe 1024. AUTO FJXAXCK CO. LOANS ON AUTOS.

In $1000 3 room. 525. CAbany 7531J. BADA. 5C38 floors, htth.

trarge SLRV1CE siATIiiN Wtd. And lunch room ilh living quarters. Address R. H. Princess Luxury Shop, Kuwrards-viile.

HI. West rooms fr2t Hrse. mo lern FR. 4 78fl On all roke of cars and trucks. If 1 RENT WAIIMIA.

r'31 3 MittiIit bed. EXCHANGE Havs euuity S7500 Al flit: ccsh vacant, bi'sim tor have you for trrwp? Box H-182. Posl-Dis. c4l 4431A 3 large rooms. AR (.

bath, only (c02 SUBURBAN PROP. FOR East St. Louis (IMKAI. tltewey Apts.) m-, conipleteiy furnished: irmeration; tlie low lent-oii. l-2 there Is a Iffilan -e on your car we will refinance same and advance you more 3 301' rooms, toilet.

(c53x A nth on i '140. iW ALTON I cararr- 520. will H.AT 3-3. baths. St p.

rish. 53500: terms. LAc. BUSINESS FOR SALE trade for el EXCHANGE- 6-rom lx.nse; m-ll frrm. RIv.

OOIO. money. Mine as you pay. in minute ARLINGTON. 1473A 5 room.

fitrnacc. bath electric: Al condition- A THOMPSON R. 5872 DFI.M AR (Sic-nal ClMt-1. clean 1 JEt erv Ice. BALTIMORE.

9827 tnoiieni bungalow. mo- cm. LAc. 7140. MICHIGAN cut.

leavin: bath SIS: Ie7) courteous iimf idential fcron 323. S0750. i FT ORIS' ANT. 5304 5 rooms. I am' toilet.

540. I 4712 Krnsincton 3 rooms. est TENEMENT Wtd. In e-ood ctndition: not over 5 or 0 family: will trade clear farm: priced low. Mr.

Pane. LAc. '5i3. o3 13-KTl'OLD. 4050A 5 rooms: hardwood fioo-s- low rent.

HFd-on 0335J. 0-021 A A 1 OPPORTUNITY lor couple. snd-wich shop, di ink stand, doinf iroI business, only SI25; act quick: real bargain. llni.j N. St st.

BAKEitY Donor good bus. eil -tahiishifi trad-. D-255. 1 3214 LOCFST ST. VC'e't cttari 3 rooms, bath and toilet: Ferguson 1-7 ROOM; 4 FXPOS-MAMIIMilON CNI YEIi- bath (c02 CHOI TEAL'.

4134 3 rooms, tue fii-r irce; t-nt reisonnblp. IIWMIII). -wm EfrtTTMlV V. BI'NGAIXtW 5 rooms, on 3, Mehlp 4th house east of Floriss-nt r'. 745.

4003 newstkao 7tjl'i Five b'-autiful rooms. $3j. Mays JFfferson 244Q. c2Ql RESTAURANT city.

415 N. Il.ALIi. w. s. VACANT LOTS Wtd.

City or county: must be clear for cottages, rental prop-erty. etc Muke offer. HIiand WILL trade excellent West End income property for clpar title to home or bune-Mow w-ell loeMcd Box T-414. BALEHCUE STAND AND Good location: leaving Saran st, 2 beds; 1 eiri-eration CAbany 3U3. cS) 2-3 room-: steam heat.

Apply 43G1 Maryl.nd. ct5 Jennings South DFLMAR. 4((57 5-O-room flats. newly decorated: heat furnished; rent reduced to KoVS7 m.nGh RT.TV. FOrest 4211.

BA'ITERY. '1 AND A ES-ORY STORK Well-established, in one of St. Loins' best business li-Iri ts or localiiy; must sell oh account ol other interests: a bargain AUTO LOAN'S Completed In fl minute, aay awake eari quick serticr; strictly eoaf larntial good parking aparc, free. FNTVERSAL FINANCE CO. lcl4l RENTS KElH fnsltle toiler BUNGAIJW 4 rooms, sunrnom; electric refrigerator, fnrnnce rnd garage: Isrre T-ret fres: 2433 Hord.

fpr3 REAL ESTATE WTD. TO BUY 10 a i lunilnr. 1317A S. 8'l. or money maker fur rinhl party.

liux ek nml r-ri2 ruom apartments, npward. JKff. 6157. 1 O'l i i 115. Post -Dispatch.

DILLENBERGER. 0770A (2 blocks wiiin of Onklandt: 20 foot livinsr room, dinette kitchenette. r'osed-off radroom: shower: colored tire bath. HIiand 2J10 tc4 I REALTY RENT FREE FOREVER Here's a property that will nay for, itself and pmidp you with a home at' the samp time. Sin-Op flat nn-usual ntil.

recently painO-d ard in rx rj feet renair pear and high school) 2 car lines: 20 minutes from downtown. at exeention-il b-rmin price. ALBERT WENZLICK K. E. 10111 Chestnut t.

fH. fitW. (rQ2) RESIDENCES FOR SALE Northwest IOUIS 4502 Frame rpiuenoe. 7 "rooms bfth. electric: once S2500: terms.

This is bargain. MirE Natural Bridge. EVergreea 4l. i cfl? 4 rooms, bath Maplewood DOUBLE FLAT Wtd. North or west for two modern and well AL furnace, 7f.

c4 A SIC A. rc ri" ornplctcly lurnishetl: 1 ricer-it balcony. r8 ii FA IT SHOP Beaulilul. i niexxsnmn floor of hading dci.artmenl stor in town of doma c-od tui-Less; must leave town on other business. Box H-5.

Post Dispatch. btmea'lo. Mr. Schneider wn tMVVFH.H.l KIt Kl.TT. INV 3 rooms, bath; adtilta: CO.

bth: c3 I 4olOA rent 527. I.Ark4 El'CLID. 1146 N. 3 rooms and now'v cor pcr school. ZEPHYR 720-? Now 5-room apart-ment: refrn-eratbm: garage: first or second floor: 550.

552 50: bargain. (e02 1 7122. 3120 N. Grrnd. CQI'sx 3425.

1 GurireuiiH ledroni I ile r1li. See mnnn Trr. i ard; fur rooms bath. I ATli.i. 3D 1 4-room flu.

rocrnb'e rept. -el" A 4 'rated. EVANS. 4 nacp- 52.1- rteci painted; BUSINESS places, established. of every inscription.

See us if votj want to buy SUBURBAN PROP. FOR SALE 1 mis. conipieie; week'y. Normandy rooms, modern: TOTANICAL. 3355 0 piooem.

$30. c) 5 7 tf). or spII GArfie'd 3120. Roiert SIc ISth and Pine ts. (c) FINNEY.


AlTO miv 25 to iimm itkj ANY MAKE CAR; OPFN KVK.MM.A TI1X I. M. MILTON, 3014 LOCUST. el 4 I I1T.VENT j-Mini el-nt location: must be ilM, STrr'irw 14ni.tcl COTTAGE 3 room. "xt'hou? house and rardpn: oxli5: in CAFETEHIA Lunchroom, wholesale dis-irie btrh-clss.

average' business, fcuil NORMANDY DRIVE. 79 Near Normandy Golf Club: beautiful 5 rooms; hot-water heat, fireplace, automatic gas water heater. T. .1. BLAKE.

GArficld 1094. (cd.O Gannon, 7722-26-28 3S20A S. 3 rooms. BRO'IiWAY, rt-duceti (cP -f on weoer daily; this proposition open for strict in 1 Yu will like these furnished nml A rmim annrt. South rcit h-c-sip.

O. Collier. 51 v. CAReLINE. 5 rooms, rated, carasre.

IlELLE. CH. b-th S51. TXjXS Foreclosure bargains EAVrgreen 8221. (c59) the rental is unusually low.

(PI Overland vestigation. See tnts rwiore ou puv. P-bert Sale an! I'me st, ir) CLEANING AND KINO PLANT G.a.J etjuipmenl: in city. Box II 22 J. Pml VACANT phpsp for HITT-MC'RE.

23xx 11 rooms, fur-nihPd. 2 hr.tns; 5.VIQ: trms. IA. 711Q. 1 block north of Delmar: just comnleted 5-room single flats wilh open ireplay-s.

painted and paneled walls, colored tie bath, shower: oil burni-r: earaire in basem*nt; aircnt on premises. V. A. hllNBKRC. MAin 4503.

4KOUN'. 2C.30Y 3 larre nomc 1 BI'NliAbiW Modern brick, five rooms, bath, furnace: garage: $20. mnprj). kns CHestnirt 344. 12 3-3 rooms tie (ras.

EVrrereen I c(i2 T.T ANT! bath. DA" II M. Asi' llAA.l.Mi i i KIN 7T7 Al 1-OANS ft MINI TEi XAtW RATES. orr.N EVENINGS. S1W EAST ON.

(Ol MttNEY ioancd, any mak ear, any tune, also bouthU Klink, 2249 S. CHU'I'F" "707 O-room sine'e, 525. RIvers'de BRANCH Old (SUihliBiVvl. rlrtAi rt -win i-vii 25j8 Six-room bung-alow 1 Ml TI' MIT. e2 7-roonl cf icieiir eom- West OAKLEY D3IVE.

4 i if iavton) New. 8 rooms. baths line home, Ciij terms (c59) eusiF.ll. 7710 NFAV. 4 ROOMS.

BATH OFco*kA1E TO sf.v mi'an" inif. GOODALE. modern Acreage At KE.V.-E 1 acre or more. fVontage -n Highway No. 61.

13 "lies outh: electrip. venie-t. late. 310 Grand. rBospe-t 2020.

sell inc. family troublta tile slied: 2 bedrooms, electrical ito'x I'o. -D. (c53) nviti wn. -1020 3 lnr-e rooms.

low rent. Mn 4015. uronrd C4 bath, furnace reasonable rent. J. II.

EBF.KI.F, Realtor. CAbany HOUSE 5 rooms. $25 month. GA. garage, 2559.

ltAVILToN. 1201A rooms, all converi-ences: J3o Call FR. 7963. (c2 442; '-lit. -Fuiiilshed apartment r.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.